Infrastructure Upgrade of Existing Enterprise Data Center and Check Processing Center
Client: Confidential Client
Summary: SIGMA7 designs and delivers mechanical and electrical infrastructure replacements and upgrades for this data center, check processing, and mailing center that must be implemented with interruption to this facilities business-as-usual operation.
This existing 45,000 s.f. Data Center, Check Processing, and Mailing Center required the replacement and upgrade of its entire critical electrical, mechanical and Information Technology infrastructure. All work to be completed while the facility was fully operational maintaining "business-as-usual," without any shut downs.
A 4,000 SF building addition was constructed to facilitate the program and provide necessary swing space to accommodate the reorganization of the facility while under construction. The facility was originally design with an ’N’ level infrastructure. The upgrade requirement was to implement to the fullest extent feasible a Tier III (concurrently maintainable) infrastructure while continuing to operate as the primary check processing center.
A study was performed. The results of SIGMA7's study were utilized to develop a master plan to enhance the infrastructure up to clients desired and required standards. We developed a multi-phased approach based upon a series of smaller upgrade projects focused on specific elements, items, and systems that could be implemented without disruption to the ongoing operation of the facility.
The existing electrical service gear and 2N UPS systems were systematically replaced. The mechanical HVAC systems were replaced and brought up to N+1 redundancy. A new 2N generator plant and fuel system was installed along with a new BMS system.
The internal layout and operations of the facility were reconfigured and built-out to improve security, circulation, functionality, and efficiency. Following the implementation of the critical infrastructure upgrades and enhancements, physical site and electronic security upgrades were implemented.